lunes, 14 de octubre de 2019

Postgraduate Studies

Well, for now I would maybe take a masters programme or diploma course, but I’m not so sure about the area. I want to see in what area I will end working first, and then see what programme may be the most adequate to my actual future job. But, how I said in my past blog, I would like to work in the administrative area and seeing the offers in the website of our school I would like to take the diploma course of “Management in healthcare pharmacy”. It’s the one course of the area that I like it, so is the unique option available in our school that interests me. I don’t consider other option by now, because I don’t know which they are, maybe I could find other options if I search to study aboard, which is an option that I don’t discard, it can be a great experience if I get the opportunity, and about where I don’t care much about, but any European country sound better than USA, to take opportunity to make tourism in the free times, I would like to travel around Europe, tasting the different food, a gastronomic tour for example.

About the distance learning, I don’t know neither the options available here in Chile but sound very comfortable and that make it more interesting for me.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019

My future job

For my future I have two plans, my plan A is very simple, but I think it’s less possible than my plan B which is more complicated and risky. Plan A consist in to enter the public system in the area of assistant pharmacy and work in a hospital as it, in that job, I feel I will be capable to continue learning and specialize me thanks to how the public system works here in Chile, at the same time I can keep improve my salary with the years of service. Otherwise, my plan B consists in to build my own business, that is, my own pharmacy. As you can imagine plan B is risky, because must require an initial inversion and the possible business failure. In boots plan the job in practically indoors and probably I can’t travel a lot in my job. Anyway, we as pharmacist would have a good salary in any area of our career and the average is on 1.5 million of Chilean pesos, so that’s the salary I expect in my future. And about the major I thinking about taking is on administration, or maybe study administration as it, because I think is it the main qualify that I require in my future plans.

Resultado de imagen para farmacia asistencial

Anyways, maybe I can get others opportunity in my future, and I would change my future plans. I don’t close to the possibilities.

Postgraduate Studies

Well, for now I would maybe take a masters programme or diploma course, but I’m not so sure about the area. I want to see in what area I w...