viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

BLOG 2: Why did I choose this programme/career?

From my childhood, I was pushed by my parents to be a professional, so the idea to enter to university was always in my mind.

When I was a child, the first job I remember I like, was paleontology, because of Jurassic Park, I really enjoyed that movie, and dinosaurs in those days. I really was looking for that idea until I became an adolescent, maybe 13 years old, and I visited a museum and asked a real paleontologist for his work, then I lost my interest.

When I started to study chemistry and biology in high school, I realized I liked it a lot. Thus, I put my eyes on 2 careers, chemistry and pharmacy, and nutrition and diet. My final decision was nearly the PSU test, to enter chemistry and pharmacy, maybe for the pressure, but I have no regrets until today to what I did choose.

My experience in university…well I had huge problems at some point. Now I am only looking for ending this stage to my life. So my years at university weren’t a great time.

I hopefully expect that in 2 more years I will have a job in the public system, I really like the idea to working in a CESFAM, or in a public hospital as an asistensial pharmacist.

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

My autobiography

BLOG 1: "My autobiography"

Hi everyone, I am Bryan Angelo Orellana Marican, I was born in Santiago, Chile and all my life I lived here, I'm still live with my parents. My mother come from Osorno in her childhood, because her parents was looking for new oportunities, my dad was from Santiago, both had a very poor childhood, and my mother suffer a lot because she have hip dysplasia. They meet at a party, they start a relationship and in a short time they conceived me, then they was forced to married practically.

My childhood was very quiet, both of my parents working all day, and both of my grandmothers took care of me in those days, in Renca district. Until I was 7 years old we lived in my grandparent's house, then we move to a flat in Quinta Normal district. In that moment the alcoholism of my dad go out of control, this was a very black stage on my life, I don't know why, but my escape was study. I was going all the weekends to visit my cousin, thus my aunt becomes in my second mother and my cousin in my first bother.

My parents give me a bother in 2002, today he is ending his high school study.

At my 13 years old I meet my current girlfriend, we start our relationship at my 16 years old, from then, she becomes in a another pillar of my life. In 2010 we move back to Renca to a new house.

All my elementary school was in catholic schools, and I only move from a new one when we move to Quinta Normal. My high school was in Internado Nacional Barros Arana, then, I start university at Universidad de Chile, to study Chemistry and Pharmacy in 2011. I was reprove a lot signatures and I get kicked out from university because of that, thus I got a year when I worked a loot, thinking about myself and decide to what to do with myself. So I re-start the career in 2017, and with psychological help from the university I was able to do it better than I did. I was a lot of problem from my childhood to resolve and front, also my girlfriend was a big depression. All of this problems was resolved slowly, I now I can say I'm happy as I never was, althought my dad still suffer her alcoholism.

My hobbies are very simple, I love videogames, board games and have a good time with my girlfriend and friends.

Postgraduate Studies

Well, for now I would maybe take a masters programme or diploma course, but I’m not so sure about the area. I want to see in what area I w...